Convening Report-Back: Expanding Doula Care for Black, Indigenous and 2SLGBTQ+ Communities

The Daymark Foundation has been on a learning journey about the unique experiences equity-deserving groups - such as Black, Indigenous and 2SLGBTQ+ people - have with mental health, and the role of systemic discrimination and intersectionality as contributing factors.

We have also come to appreciate the important role that community-based/radical doulas can play in promoting mental health and wellbeing of clients and families in these communities.

On July 21, 2022, the Daymark Foundation convened a group of 13 doulas and doula-serving organizations to discuss the question: How can we increase access to doula care for Black, Indigenous and 2SLGBTQ+ people in a sustainable way?


Meet the Doula Fund Design Team


Defining a Strategic Focus in Bipolar Disorder